
From Wedding Bells to Boot Camp – what a year it has been!

Hello Sojourners

Wondering where I’ve been?

It has been quite an exciting year

The past 10 months have been quite busy for me, filled with big changes and new beginnings. So much has changed over the past few months it is hard to believe it all was possible.

It all started back in February when I suddenly needed to restructure my private counseling practice. A decision that required four months of planning, followed by remodeling of my office space, creating a new logo and redesigning my website. (Check out the new look and let me know what you think. It is a still a work in process and I will be adding more features in the near future)

wedding bells

Now at the same time my business was changing my daughter was planning her wedding. It was a joyous event on top of a mountain in almost perfect fall colors (the next day they were even better- sigh!). You can only image the challenge of getting all things wedding – food, music, and guests – up on top of a mountain. It was a bit touch and go there right to the last minute – especially when we passed the caterer on the road going up to the reception while I was driving my daughter down to the church! But it all came together beautifully, the photographs are stunning and the happy couple is currently off on their honeymoon!

boot camp

But even in the midst of all of this exciting change in my personal and professional life I have not forgotten my caregiver community. Over the past several months I have been working diligently on developing a new online training program that I plan to launch in January. To prepare for the online launch I have been working with a small group of family caregivers taking them through the six-week training program. Working with this fabulous group of caregivers I was able to work out the bugs of my CareGiver Boot Camp. They helped me create a program that provides practical information and crucial education to help family caregivers on their journey. I want to thank these brave Sojourners who shared with me their personal stories and struggles as they care for spouses and parents. I hope they found it helpful for their journey.

and now back in business

So now my Sojourner friends, after a relaxing week at the beach I am ready to get back to business as usual helping caregivers like you to provide the best care to your loved ones. I will be getting back to writing regular monthly blogs, my newsletter and weekly Facebook posts. So make sure you use the links to sign up for the newsletter and to follow me on Facebook.


Look for more information on how you can take part in the online CareGiver Boot Camp – right from your own home and on your schedule. The same great information I provide in my “live” training but without leaving your home. For those in the Farmville Virginia area, I will be offering the program again in early 2017. Follow me on Facebook where, in a few weeks, I’ll post more information about the program and how you can register.

So until next time take care of yourself and know that there is

…help for the journey

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