
How to avoid the dreaded winter blues!

Or how to be a happy caregiver when you just don’t feel like it! Winter is upon us and as the days getting shorter, it seems our mood, energy and patience get shorter too. During this time of year many struggle with feelings of sadness and irritability. Add the stress of being a family caregiver and … Read more

Caregiving in the New Year

Happy New Year Sojourners! Now is time for resolutions and new beginnings. As you start another year on your caregiving journey I want you to make a resolution to make caring for yourself a higher priority. In Part One of Caregiver School I outlined the 6 essential steps to stress free caregiving. And for this … Read more

Good Grief! How DO you get through the holidays?

Grief and the holidays will go hand in hand for some families this year. Many of you are facing this time with sadness and dread. Struggling to figure out how to “celebrate” the holidays while grieving the loss of someone you love. As a family caregiver you may be experiencing this yourself – even if your … Read more

From Wedding Bells to Boot Camp – what a year it has been!

Hello Sojourners Wondering where I’ve been? It has been quite an exciting year The past 10 months have been quite busy for me, filled with big changes and new beginnings. So much has changed over the past few months it is hard to believe it all was possible. It all started back in February when I … Read more

Are you struggling with only Spoonfuls of Energy?

You may not be but the one you’re caring for probably is… Today I am writing at the request of a fellow blogger who has a message she wanted me to share with family caregivers. Becca lives with a chronic illness and in her blog Chronic Beauty (click here to read) she shares what life … Read more

Is Your Elderly Father Driving You Crazy!

In case you’ve been wondering where I’ve been… I’ve been driving MYSELF crazy! These past several weeks have been quite a blur – the view from my car window as I drove back and forth to North Carolina. Last I wrote I was trying to juggle all of the needs of those around me and … Read more

Caregivers: What to do when you are stuck in the middle

“How do I care for myself when everyone around me needs me to take care of them?” Pat from Virginia This question poses one of the most common caregiver dilemmas – the sandwiched caregiver. Those family caregivers who are taking care of their children, jobs, home as well as caring for an aging parent. Those … Read more

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