
Camino Angels – help for the journey

Guidepost – Camino Wisdom In this video I share how Synthia and I got lost before we even started. But soon a “Camino Angel” appeared and showed us the way. There is a lot of help available for your caregiving journey. But you need to knwo where to look and then to ASK for help. … Read more

Camino Angels – help for the journey

Guidepost – Camino Wisdom In this video I share how Synthia and I got lost before we even started. But soon a “Camino Angel” appeared and showed us the way. There is a lot of help available for your caregiving journey. But you need to knwo where to look and then to ASK for help. … Read more

Is Your Elderly Father Driving You Crazy!

In case you’ve been wondering where I’ve been… I’ve been driving MYSELF crazy! These past several weeks have been quite a blur – the view from my car window as I drove back and forth to North Carolina. Last I wrote I was trying to juggle all of the needs of those around me and … Read more

Wondering if your elderly father should drive?

When do I take away the keys? That is a question I am asked all of the time. When is it time to tell your aging parent to stop driving? And more importantly should you intervene at all? Many caregivers struggle with these questions as they become more involved with the care of an aging … Read more

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